Brown's Cigar Store is the heart of Corning's Gaffer District and a time honored tradition, offering the Corning area the finest cigars and tobacco products, brands from A. Fuente, Dunhill, H. Upmann, Macanudo, Padron & Zippo to name a few.
Since 1889 Brown's Cigar Store has been a place where your grandfathers got a haircut, purchased steamship tickets, discussed family, friends, politics and solved the world's problems. At Brown's Cigar Store you can take that step back in time. The glass, oak and marble humidors keep all tobacco products at their very best.
Brown's Cigar Store is proudly owned by the Smith Family. Sue, Terry & Bejay are second generation tobacconists with many years of experience and knowledge.
Gone are the days of steamship tickets & haircuts at Brown's Cigar Store, but a fine cigar and spirited conversation are here to stay!
We welcome you to Brown's Cigar Store and Corning.